Google Chrome 37 64 bit version for developers

Google Chrome 37 64 bit version for developers

Google Chrome browser 37 Web version 37 64 bit version:

Google Chrome Web browser 37 buildings on the components of Safari (Webkit) and Mozilla ((Firefox), and Google Chrome like rivals in this area service tab.

Google Chrome has 37 features a very powerful protection and is considered one of the best browsers safer so that protects users from malware and Phishing as well as automatic updates that ensure the user to get the latest security fixes.

In addition to power protection is a fast loading Web pages and display to suit modern code techniques used (HTML5/CSS3...).

And what I liked most in the browser Google Chrome 37 that property called (start from where you left off) that lets you keep tabs that were open so you can continue working from where they stopped immediately.


This version of the precedent for users of Windows 8 Add Address space layout randomization technique where this technology provides powerful protection against the powerful software that moves across Web applications.

About the browser:

Version: 37
Size: 36.6 MB
License: free
Compatibility: all versions of Windows
Language: alanglzier
Date added: 28/05/2014

Click here to download the Google Chrome browser 37
12:41 PM

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