FlashGet to download files without problems

FlashGet was designed for speed and ease

FlashGet was designed specifically to meet the fundamental and crying needs: the speed of downloads, and ease of management
Goodbye to having download problems

If you are experiencing Internet connection failure due to excessive load and low speed browsing while downloading a program, and if you are looking for a program or file you downloaded earlier and found yourself in a forest full of programs and files are unable to find the software you are looking for you using FlashGet.
Split files

FlashGet is by splitting the files into several types (msttendat, movies, music, torrent, programmes, ...) and to facilitate the search process
Increase download speed

FlashGet also increases the speed of downloading files to maximum speed ranging from 100% to 500% depending on the speed of your Internet connection and your computer as a basic factor in the equation downloads at maximum speed.
Program features:

== > Speed up downloading files
== > Usability
== > Organize files download
== > Download more than one file at once

Program information:

License: free
Size: 6.08 MB
Date added: June 18, 2013
Language: English

Click here to download the software
11:56 AM

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