Wamp Server to create a server on your computer

Wamp Server to create a server on your computer
Wamp Server to create a server on your computer

Identify program wamp server

Do you need for your own platform experience to Web applications that offer you program her, Wamp server program is an effective program while doing a server on your computer, you can browse Web applications (Web sites, forums, ...) that before buying any of your hosting.
Install all the software you need

The wamp server installs all the software you'll need to start your career in Web programming and applications development department that fronted the axioms
Support for the latest versions of:

Apache : 2.4.9

MySQL : 5.6.17

PHP : 5.5.12

PHPMyAdmin : 4.1.14

SqlBuddy : 1.3.3

XDebug : 2.2.5

Program features:

== > Free
== > Apache and MySQL services
== > Install and change the versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP
== > Log.txt file access
Program interface:

Easy to use and how the mouse can use most commands

Program information:

License: free
Version: 2.2
Compatibility: all versions of Windows
Size: 29.4 MB
Language: English

Click here to download the program 32bit

Click here to download the program 64bit